How to Kitesurf Upwind – 4 Things You Need To Know

After nailing the water start, riding upwind is one thing that a lot of kitesurfing beginners struggle with. But this article will look at how to kitesurf upwind without any difficulty. A few basic technique tips will have you heading upwind with confidence in knowing that you can get back to the same spot on … Read more

Kiteboards for Beginners – 5 Boards that Will Make You Smile!

In my article “Best Kiteboard for Beginners” I talk about the features you should be looking for in your first kiteboard and explain what effect the different design characteristics have. The first thing to say about board choice is that virtually any twin-tip is usable, even as a beginner, but there are some features that … Read more

Kitesurfing Equipment for Beginners

Kitesurfing equipment for beginners can seem daunting, there’s so much available both new and used. Buying the wrong kit can be an expensive and even dangerous mistake. So here we’ll look at the basic equipment you’ll need and how to go about finding the right gear at the right price for you. By this stage … Read more

Best Kiteboard for Beginners – What Features to Look For in Your First Kiteboard

Kiteboards For Beginners

Let’s take a look at some of the features of board design and what makes up the best kiteboard for beginners. Board Type In another article I list and review a number of boards that are ideal for beginners. Almost without exception, the board you’ll learn on will be a twin-tip. So this is a … Read more