
At Kite Mad World we source products we recommend from reputable suppliers only. A number of the items we offer are sold via third party partners with whom we have negotiated affiliate commission arrangements. This means that you will be re-directed to the seller’s website to complete your purchase from them. In most cases we will receive a commission from the seller, which is at no extra cost to you.

Where our items are sold via affiliated partners, this will be specified clearly.

We also stock items that we sell directly to you. All our prices on these items are excluding purchase taxes and duty. However, for UK based customers there will be no VAT payable as we are not currently VAT registered.

Non-UK based customers may be liable for purchase taxes and customs duty, which will be payable direct to the courier of the goods, prior to receipt. We are not liable for these extra costs so you should satisfy yourself that you are aware of these costs prior to purchase.

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